

Your sponsored child will receive:

Residential Care

Mental Health Support

Special Education

Health Care

Nutritious Meals

Social Development

In return, you will receive:

An update on your sponsored child twice per year, including their progress
News on what’s happening at Home of Hope
A tax certificate at the end of financial year end

By choosing to Sponsor a Child, you will actively assist us in caring for some of society’s most vulnerable children. Through your sponsorship, you will have a significant impact by providing opportunities for these children to have greater success in life, something they might not otherwise have access to.

Steps which need to be followed for sponsoring a child:

1. Choose a child to sponsor

2. Click the "Sponsor" link

3. Select Donate from the childs project page

4. Confirm details and sponsorship amount

* All names provided are pseudo names for the protection of the identities of the children

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Amber is a gifted creative writer who has been with us for six years, yet she still finds it difficult to see this place as her true home. Her heart carries the weight of a traumatic past, making emotional regulation a daily battle. Nonetheless, she a happy little girl who is very bright and eager to acquire new skills.

Amber- 11 Years old 

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Aiden is the oldest of four siblings in the CYCC. When he came into our care, he was a parentified child who had to learn how to be a child again. He grew up in an extremely risky environment, but we have observed positive changes in his behaviour. He has developed a love for mathematics and enjoys assisting with handy tasks around the house.

Aiden - 15 Years old

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Carter has a sweet, funny and honest personality. He loves everything car related and is a champion in playing sport. He is a bright little boy and loves to play outside, ride his bicycle and colour in. He lives in an informal settlement where there is no running water or electricity. At Amathemba Special Needs School he is able to take a bath and have two meals a day.

Carter - 8 years old

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When Dumiso first arrived at the age of 5, he still lacked his milk teeth. Unfortunately, due to the exposure of alcohol as a fetus, he is faced with significant developmental delays. In addition, he struggles to express his emotions verbally, which makes it challenging for him to connect with others and form friendships. He is a real boy’s boy who loves to play rough and tough and is always found outside running around and playing on the jungle gym.

Dumiso - 11 years old

Lucas is a happy little boy and one of four brothers in our care. He is currently undergoing therapy to regulate his emotions and behavior due to past trauma. He is energetic and joyful and has a special interest in sports and cars.

Lucas- 8 years old

Keenan is the youngest in our CYCC and of four siblings. He enjoys individual attention and is adapting well to the mainstream school environment. He still longs for motherly love and hugs, as he was removed from his parents at a very young age. He previously resided in an unsafe environment where he was often left to his own devices and now he is happy as he knows that we will always care for him. 

Keenan - 6 years old

At a very young age, Seth faced a critical situation, and his Home of Hope family was called in to say their goodbyes. Against all odds, he defied expectations, growing into a resilient boy who has begun to walk on his own and scomplete small tasks with a little assistance. Yet, despite his progress, the pain of abandonment lingers. His biological parents are not interested in building a relationship with him, choosing to focus on his siblings instead—those they believe are more capable.

Seth- 13 years old

Stephen is one of four brothers in our care. Despite growing up in a very risky environment, he remains a kind-hearted and respectful child and has a loving relationship with his caregivers and peers. He often spends time with the resident dog- Teddy when he misses his family.

Stephen- 11 years old

Due to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), Fezeka had to transition from mainstream schooling to a Amathemba Special Needs School as she struggled to keep up with the pressure and the pace. The girls in the CYCC look up to her and she tries to set a good example for them. Just like the other children, she longs for her biological family however they are not interested.

Fezeka- 16 years old

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Ethan is a very loveable boy with a kind heart towards other children. He is still very little but so eager to learn in school. He loves Paw- Patrol, cars and playing with his older brother. He lives in an informal settlement with his family which has many daily struggles. At Amathemba Special Needs School we provide him with two meals a day, a bath and clothing.

Ethan   - 12 years old

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Sizwe is a very unique little boy. He is always in his own imaginary world playing by himself or with his brothers and sisters. Sizwe can spend hours creating stories and drawing pictures about action men or superheroes saving the day. He has a playful and sweet personality and has a heart of gold.

Sizwe - 15 years old

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Tragically, at just 7 years old, James had to undergo a leg amputation due to unforeseen circumstances and endure several other surgeries over the past few years.  His ability to speak and hear has significantly regressed, necessitating speech therapy. Despite these challenges, he remains a happy child who is strong, brave and is always pushing his own physical limitations.

James - 12 years old

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Jethro is a serious little boy who carries burdens far too heavy for someone his age. He often worries about things that most children don’t even think about, leaving him feeling isolated and misunderstood. Struggling to express his emotions, he desperately needs intensive therapy to help him develop coping skills. Despite his challenges, Jethro finds solace in drawing and creating. Drawing is not only a hobby but also an outlet for him.

Jethro - 13 years old

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Kiara struggles to understand healthy boundaries with others, as her boundaries  were repeatedly overstepped by others in early childhood. Now 18, she navigates the world with the emotional understanding of a nine-year-old, making it difficult for her to form meaningful friendships. Kiara has a kind heart and loves to help others, often caring for the little ones at home and enjoys writing in her journal.

Kiara - 18 years old

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Kyle is a very peaceful and loyal friend. Due to past trauma, he has chosen not to maintain contact with his biological family. Although he is 15 years old, he functions at a lower level and often struggles to relate to his peers. He enjoys drawing pictures and engaging in fantasy play.

Kyle - 15 years old

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Lwando had a trachy as an infant and toddler which prevented him from speaking, however once it was removed he developed into a cheerful bubbly individual who enjoys telling stories. He is the oldest boy in the CYCC and tries his best to set a good example and be a big brother to the other children.

Lwando - 17 years old

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Molani has a gentle and ladylike personality and has been apart of Home of Hope since she was a newborn baby and has struggled with the fact that no one has come to look for her in 14 years. As a result of her disability she unfortunately has learning difficulties and cannot attend a mainstream school. She however attends Amathemba Special Needs School which was opened by Home of Hope to assist children who need a little more help than others.

Molani - 15 years old

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Thandiwe is a very shy girl, but when she gets to know you her true personality shines. She is such a strong, helpful and gentle girl who enjoys dancing and singing. Thandiwe has learning difficulties and attends Amathemba Special Needs School where we cater for her individual challenges making her feel like she is capable of achieving anything her heart desires.

Thandiwe - 15 years old

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Naomi has been diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy since birth, which affects her mobility and speech, therefore she has to undergo intensive therapies, however she is so strong and runs through her daily life just like the others. She is always helping out around the house despite her disability. Naomi loves to write letters to people, draw beautiful pictures, and do peoples nails.

Naomi - 14 years old

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Philani joined our family as a newborn baby and has always dreamt of being adopted by a loving family. When he is shown a little love, he latches on and holds on because the fear of abandonment still traumatises him. Regardless, he is happy, very eager to learn and loves to read and write stories. 

Philani - 15 years old

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Ryan is the most recent addition to our big family and he is enjoying the time with us so far. He says he now has many brothers and sisters that he can have fun with. He is a very shy and quiet little boy, but when he speaks, he shines and warms everyone’s hearts. He loves anything farm related and thoroughly enjoys playing with farm animal toys. He attends Amathemba Special Needs School where he is provided with individual learning as he struggles to concentrate and requires assistance.

Ryan - 12 years old

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Sipho was born with feet that were backwards and had to undergo an operation at a very young age.  Due to the presence of comorbid Autism he lives in a world of his own – he has severe sensory sensitivities and as a result isolates himself to regulate his behaviour. He loves to play with his toys and uses his imagination for so many activities. One of his favourite toys is any of the paw patrol dogs.

Sipho - 17 years old

Due to FASD Alicia is very small for her age and often gets mistaken to be younger than she is. She enjoys playing soccer and loves to dance. She struggles to sleep at night and often needs to be soothed. She only joined our family last year and is still trying to adjust to her new home setting. 

Alicia-  15 years old

Kaylin is very talkative and unafraid to voice her opinions. She enjoys dancing and singing. She and her younger sister were placed in Home of Hope CYCC very suddenly, and it took her some time to adjust to her new home and family.

Kaylin-  15 years old

Jade is a very bubbly little girl. Due to the effects of alcohol exposure, she is smaller than her peers. She is a supportive sister to her brother and a good friend to the girls in the CYCC. As a result of FASD she has difficulty learning and therefore attends Amathemba Special Needs School where she received the individual attention she needs.

Jade   - years old

Ashwill spent most of his childhood in a children's hospital for chronically ill children before he joined our family and learned to eat from a plate at the age of 13 for the first time. Academically, he functions at a lower level and requires guidance to make good decisions. He is very protective over his biological sister and always ensures that she is taken care before himself. 

Ashwill- 17 years old

When Baxo joined our Home of Hope family at 10 years old, he came from a background of unimaginable trauma that no child should ever face. His emotional, cognitive, and developmental abilities were those of a toddler, shaped by a past no child should bear. He attended Amathemba Special Needs School but unfortunately could not progress passed Grade R. Baxo then found his forever home at Anselm Farm—a place of peace, love, and stability where he thrives within a therapeutic family environment and receives the care and attention he needs as he has no one else but us and cannot reside on his own due to his disability.

Baxolele-  23 years old

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Bank: Standard Bank
Branch: Bayside Shopping Centre, Table View
Account Name: Home of Hope
Account: 272800988
Branch Code: 022209
Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ


Home of Hope is a registered nonprofit 050-226-NPO , public- benefit organisation(930022887) section 18A of the Income Tax Act 1962

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